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Why Communities of Crocus?


COC was started by two parents who realized that their children have unique needs that require a more supportive community environment than can be obtained through some of the current adult living models. The need for housing for adults with autism and IDD in the State of Wisconsin is significant and COC is one great option.

What is the COC model?


The COC model is designed to provide supportive homes of choice in an inclusive natural environment where individuals can live as independently as possible. The COC model is driven by 7 guiding principles: Choice, Affordability, Well Being, Community Inclusion, Quality Care, Independence, Sustainability.

Where will COC be located?


We are currently going through Due Diligence on a parcel of land in Franklin, Wisconsin.

How do I support COC?


FINANCIALLY: Consider a financial donation that will change the lives of adults with autism and IDD by providing them a HOME within a supportive living community. Please go to the COC home page and click on the DONATE button at the top right hand corner of the page and make a donation.

VERBALLY: Spread the word, let others know what we are doing and personally commit to asking others to consider financially supporting us so we can bring the COC model to Wisconsin where housing like this is so desperately needed.

PRAYERFULLY: Pray for the COC mission and vision. Pray for the founders and board members who have earnestly begun this journey to create supportive homes of choice for adults with autism and IDD.  Pray for funding and land so that the dream and the hard work and planning around it becomes a reality.

When will COC be open?


The goal is to open within 3 years of land acquisition.

How will COC obtain the funds to build COC?


COC is currently exploring a number of funding opportunities.

Will the residences be for sale or for rent?

The current plan is:

APTS at CROCUS will be an affordable, independent living community with apartments for rent.

The financial model for CARE at CROCUS is not yet finalized.

HOMES at CROCUS will be single family homes and townhomes for sale.

Who is eligible to apply to be a resident at Communities of Crocus?


COC will have diverse living options suitable for individuals with different needs including:

A. APTS at CROCUS will be for individuals who can live independently with supports

B. CARE at CROUCS will be for individuals with high needs who require 24/7 support

C. HOMES at CRCOUS will be for families and individuals who choose to live in this neighborhood modeled as a "community within a community" providing natural support.

How much will residents have to pay to live at COC?


The full costs for residents to live at COC has not yet been determined, however the current plan is for: The APTS at CROCUS to be an affordable housing solution where residents will pay rent based on their income and will use their individual waivers to pay for services and supports in their homes, as well as at the Supportive Housing Hub. Information on costs to live at CARE at CROCUS is not finalized.

How many homes will be for sale at HOMES at CROCUS?


The current goal is to have 24 homes available for sale, however, this will depend on the size of the land purchased.

Are you currently accepting applications for residents?


We are currently in the beginning stages of creating the community and are not accepting applications at this time. Please continue to check back for updates.

Will COC have staff onsite at the APTS and CARE at CROCUS?


APTS at CROCUS staffing information is currently not available.

CARE at CROCUS will have 24/7 staff onsite.

Who will provide the in home and supportive care at the APTS and CARE at CROCUS?


APTS at CROCUS: The current plan is for these residents to be able to use their provider of choice

CARE at CROCUS: We are currently talking with a number of professionals and potential service providers on how to best serve the unique needs of the individuals at CARE.

Who will be able to participate in the services and supports at the Supporting Housing Hub?


The SHH will have an array of services and supports available to the residents of COC, as well as for individuals with autism and IDD who live in the greater community.

The SHH will also offer supports and training for families of adults with autism and similar IDD, their caregivers and others interested in learning how to support these unique individuals. 

If a resident does not have a waiver will they be eligible for services and supports?


All residents at COC are eligible for services and supports in their homes and through the Supportive Housing Hub. Residents who do not have waiver funding will need to pay for these services and supports out of pocket.

Who are the Respite Apartments available to?


The respite apartments are for adults with autism and IDD who live in the greater community.

What is the Try-It-Out Apartment and who can utilize it?


The Try-It-Out Apartment is available for residents who are looking to live at COC and  either have never lived alone or need to experience a different level of living on their own. Individuals will utilize this try-it-out experience based on recommendations from parents, caregivers, service providers, and others who work closely with the potential resident.

Who do I contact if I am interested in being a potential service provider?


Go to the COC homepage and click on the CONTACT US button at the top right-hand corner of the page, fill the form out and submit it to us.

Who do I contact if I am interested in being a partner or collaborator?


Go to the COC homepage and click on the CONTACT US button at the top right-hand corner of the page, fill out the form and submit it to us.

Communities of Crocus is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.  ®2024 Communities of Crocus All Rights Reserved

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